I see it all around. Everywhere from movies to my own workplace… the most aggressive person gets what they want. Or, the most aggressive person gets the most respect. I've let myself fall into the same thought process as well. In meetings, I will usually listen to the louder person. And sometimes even the ruder person, because they seem to have the most to say.
There was a time that I used that strategy to my advantage. In meetings, I wouldn't smile. I would interrupt people and, frankly, just be rude. Guess what... I left those meetings with an icky feeling. I wasn't leaving room better than I entered it. I wasn't showcasing the love of God. All for what? Some cheaply earned pride?
The world has enough yellers, liars, and aggressors. What it needs now is gentleness.
Today's pics will be baby animal themed… Because they're gentle and why not? |
I am currently working on a project with a lot of tension. Meetings are harsh and stressed, and so are the people. But you know what calms people down?
A sweet and gentle spirit. That doesn't mean they are going to take advantage of my quietness. Quite the opposite actually. People WANT to respond to a gentle person. They WANT to talk to them. There's safety there.
Alpaca kisses |
So I changed my strategy. I'm not going to be louder, I'm going to be smarter. I will allow the Spirit to flow through me and release that calm gentleness. It just puts the entire room at ease. This did not come easy at some times. And I did need to pray a lil for God to give me that fruitfulness. But He is faithful, I just needed to take that first step. I had to try.
Do I think there is a time and place to be loud and take a strong stand? Absolutely I do. But those are in extreme circumstances. I think I will know when that time is. I'll feel it and know how to respond. For any other time though, I will error on the side of gentleness.
And a baby bulldog. You are welcome. |
Media lies to tell women that they have to be a "bad-ass b*tch" to get by in the workplace. That's prideful and it will only breed fear and anxiety. NO! I will choose to honor God in all aspects of my life, and that includes the workplace. I will be educated and I will voice my opinions. But I will choose the gentler side of it.
Intelligence + Gentleness = Quiet Confidence
And what could be more beautiful than that?
"Intelligence + Gentleness = Quiet Confidence" Oooohhh I LOVE that.