Monday, November 3, 2014

And The Greatest Of These, Is Love

Wooooo, finally made it to the last fruit of the Spirit. And it's a pretty important one. 

There is not a single person on this earth that doesn't long for love. Lucky for all those people of the earth, love is universal. Because God permeates all pieces of this universe, love can be uncovered everywhere. I found it in an orphanage in Honduras. 

One of the most famous descriptions of love is found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I'm sure you're familiar. 

Can't argue with a description like that! It's all true and all so beautiful. Still, I'm going to add on to that.  My life has taught me a few things on true love..


Is security

Is done in faith

Is not easily swayed

Is not always clean or pretty

Rejoices being pulled out of the "easy zone"

Always works to be others-focused

Always brings joy

Always wins

I felt all of these descriptions so strongly over there at Orphanage Emmanuel… that I KNOW them to be true. I got to witness the incredible patience of the volunteers with the children of special needs. I got to see how messy and dirty love can be when you're trying to care for 25 four year old boys. I got to feel the deep hearted laughter that develops when you just focus on bringing joy into someone else's life. I felt the freedom the children have when they realize that the people around them are there to love them and keep them safe. I gained the reward of pushing myself out into the mercy of love. 

There are a million different ways we show love and experience love, but they all come down to the same core values. It's because of the Spirit! The same Spirit that creates joy, patience, self-control, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, peace and goodness. Love wraps them all up into one!

I'm just a 25 year old girl who has never been married or had kids. I am SURE I will have so much more to add to this conversation once those events happen! But for right now, that's the best definition of love I discovered over in Honduras. Need some more proof? Just check out this smile on my face…

Monday, October 27, 2014

Oh My Goodness, I Went To Honduras

So at the beginning of this month, I took a little break from my hectic life to find some peace and goodness at Orphanage Emmanuel in Honduras. Now, if you are anything like me… you may need a quick geography lesson.

Just to really brag about my awesome geography skills. I got a little surprise on my first flight. I thought I was flying from LAX to Panama City, Florida, then from Florida to Honduras. Which would totally make sense if you thought about it! So you can imagine my surprise when I landed in Panama City, Panama. Check your itineraries!

I jumped on this trip with my friend Suzanne. Suzanne works for World Orphan Fund. They provide assistance to orphanages in need around the world. That can include medical assistance, clean water, housing, anything to help meet basic needs for the kids. They are an amazing organization that is 100% staffed by volunteers. Their most recent project with Orphanage Emmanuel was a water filtration system. I was personally so thankful for that! If you had seen this post of mine, you know much strongly I feel about staying hydrated. Over the years, Suzanne has developed a relationship with this orphanage and I was honored to join her on this most recent trip. 

Here we are with some of the small boys

That little guy in the green sure was a charmer!

A lot of people asked me "So what did you do there?" I never had a good answer. I guess the short one is… we played with kids. We lived on the orphanage grounds, so we got up every morning to the sound of kids playing at 6am. Who wouldn't want to wake up to this view!?

This was called "big circle". Every Friday morning all 500+ kids get together to worship before school. 
After drinking the most amazing coffee I've ever tasted, we spent our days running around with kids. Orphanage Emmanuel is the largest orphanage in Honduras. They fluctuate between 500 and 600 kids, from infants to seniors in high school. I was amazed to see how well these kids were taken care of. Outside the gates in Honduras is a scary place. It is filled with political unrest, gangs, poverty, prostitution, and general fear. But inside, every child is taken care of and loved. And this whole place started because one couple from Oxnard, CA heard God call them to Honduras. They started with 5 kids in a barn without any electricity or running water, and now they take care of over 500 kids. That is 500 kids being taken off the streets and out of pain. That is 500 kids being able to hear how much God loves them and see it in the works of the staff. That is 500 orphans that are orphans no more. 

And what could I possible call that, but good? It's just all so good. 

We live in a topsy-turvy world, so it's easy to try to complicate it. We think in order for something to have movement, it needs to be complex or hard or take a while to explain. But what if it's simpler than that? The best things on earth and in Heaven are not complicated, but that are good. The Spirit is just good. And it's fruit is just goodness being spread around. 

I could have, and probably already have, used every single adjective to describe my week at Orphanage Emmanuel. Everything from challenging to amazing to humbling to magical. But in the end, it pretty much comes down to two…

It was beautiful. 

And it was good. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Patience Has Never Been My Strong Suit

Three more Fruits of the Spirit to talk about, and this one is a toughie for me. I have never been a patient person. Sometimes, I like to blame it on my strong will. Or maybe my confidence in gut feelings. Either way, I like to make decisions quick and jump right into them. The world likes to tell us that this is a good thing. You find something you want and you RUN after it.

So why is patience a good fruit of the Spirit? 

Because it is directly connected to faith. Many times, when I jump right into something, it is because I am afraid it will be taken away from me if I don't make it happen. I am doing it out of fear that my life will be "less good" if I don't do that thing… whatever it may be. I am so afraid of losing a "what could have been" that I miss out on the TRUTH.

TRUTH: If it is meant to happen in my life, there is nothing I could possibly do to mess it up. No matter how much I suck, God is bigger and better than my mistakes. 

Right now, I am re-analyzing my life. I feel restless. So much of me just wants to just take a 180 and make some life-changing decisions.
And I might. 
Or I might not. 

But for right now, I am just [working on] being patient. I am being prayerful and waiting for the right opportunities to arise. I have to choose to have faith in how the Spirit moves in me and in my life. With that faith, comes peace. And when I am at peace, I can be patient.

So what's a girl to do? Just sit around and be patient for something to just magically fall into her lap. Heck no! I am going to work hard. I will continue to seek out new opportunities and grow. I will be content with the place God has me now, while I get ready for the new adventures to come. And believe me… there WILL be adventures! Not a single one of us was created for a mediocre life.

Speaking of adventures, here is a little taste of my recent one. I got back from Honduras a little over a week ago and I am soooooooo excited to tell you all about it soon!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

She.Is.Beautiful 2014

I'm going to detour off fruits of the Spirit for a post (or two) because we have finally made it to the moment this all started. On Sunday, September 21st, I ran the

2014 She Is Beautiful 10k!!!

So we finally made it! After 133 days of training, laughing, crying, traveling, dancing, learning and blogging (not  nearly everyday, but we'll get to that later) I ran 6.2 miles surrounded by a bunch of beautiful ladies and inspiring quotes. 

When I started this blog, I had every single intention to write about beauty everyday. For the first two weeks, I held on to that. But then something shifted. The blog was turing from a sweet journey into a stressful task. So I gave myself a break. I'm pretty sure you've noticed that I don't have 133 posts. That's because I could have said 133 things about beauty, but they would have held NO SUBSTANCE. What's the point of writing if it's not worth reading? I didn't have to write something every day in order to have something to say. 

So what was the point of this thing if it shifted so much from its original intent? 

It was probably to learn a whole bunch of stuff…

  • I like writing stuff out for you guys.
  • I am capable of pushing myself harder than I thought.
  • When I work out, it's not to be skinnier, it's to feel better when I wake up to take on the next day's adventure.
  • Having a positive spirit is one of the most beautiful things you can do. It shines through physically and spiritually. 
  • Beautiful is not about one thing. It is everything, all equally important, wrapped up into someone's presence.
  • Beautiful will always be changing and growing. And I want to push every day to get there.
So maybe I didn't blog every day, but at least I made it to the finish line
So what now? 

Well, the blog doesn't end here. And neither will my focus on beauty. I think that is always going to be a passion of mine. I'm going to keep on writing and keep on learning. And eventually, I'll make it to 133 posts. I'll just be older and wiser when we get there :)

So thanks for sticking around with me. And I hope you'll continue to do so! 

So here's to the next adventure!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Error On The Side Of Kindness

This one seems obvious, right? Kind people are beauties! I don't think I have ever known someone and said "Gosh, I would really like that person more if they weren't so kind…"

This is something that I strive for in my every day life. Sometimes it's easy, like when I'm hanging around my best friends. And sometimes it's hard, like when I'm dealing with frustrating people at work. Or worse, when a good friend hurts me. But no matter what situation I'm in, it is equally important to approach it with kindness and compassion. And sometimes that means laying down my own wants & needs (or pride) in favor of someone else's. So why?

Well, the way I see it… life is not about the little battles we can "win", it is about love. 

I had the honor of meeting Gary Parsons a few years ago. [Actually, like almost six years ago. Dang… time flies!] He is very involved in the YoungLife community and one of the most inspirational men I have ever met. One thing he said has always stuck with me…

"When in doubt, error on the side of love. You can't go wrong"

Kindness. It's that simple and...
So. Freakin. Beautiful. 

So this one time, two of my best friends put up with me and walked around lost in London for an hour all because I wanted to find this underground coffee house I saw once on the Travel Channel. If that's not an example of beautiful kindness… I don't know what is!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Choosing Self-Control

It's been a while. And I am sorry. Between life and distractions… I just couldn't fathom taking an hour out of my night to be vulnerable right here. Because this right here… is terrifying. The last thing I want to do is be less than 100% real here. We all have our own stories to tell. And when told with honesty, they can change minds, hearts, and lives.

Perhaps another reason I have been putting this off is that I am secretly terrified to be talking about the Fruits of the Spirit. I feel so unequipped. It's because I really am. We all are, and we need to accept that. We all fall short of these beautiful things. We will never achieve these attributes without choosing what's really important, and what is really worth it. You have to choose to listen to the Spirit inside of you. You have to choose it today and you'll probably have to choose it tomorrow. Actually, let me rephrase that…

I have to choose it today, and I will have to choose it tomorrow. 

The world is full of brokeness and beautiful temptations. 

I will choose to live in the Spirit that is within me. I will CHOOSE self-control. It's okay to deal with things differently than the rest of the world. It's a "me" generation these days. Doing what makes ME feel good or doing what I want at the very moment I want it. 

But there is a reason self-control is a beautiful thing. Because it leads to patience. And patience leads to peace. We don't need to live in the fast lane. There is something really beautiful about a girl who makes her choices with prayer and control. She will not be easily swayed by this world. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Joy You Were Created For

Has it really been over  a week since I last posted? I am so sorry. I promise you've all been on my heart and so has this mission. It's been a pretty trying week. Work has been insane and my dance schedule has ramped up for our performance next week. Then I add on race training and my second job and there you have it… I miss sleep!

So why do I do it? Why do I allow my schedule to be so jam packed?

Because these things brings me JOY

As silly as it sounds, doing all this stuff brings me joy. I love talking to new people at the winery. And while running isn't the most fun thing ever… there are moments of complete elation. (usually when it's over) Work doesn't exactly bring me joy, but it allows me to pay rent, and I kinda like that. 

When people link joy to fruits of the Spirit, they usually only think it's okay to have it when you're praying or worshiping. But, I really don't think God only made joy for those times. He created us all differently, with different skills and desires. We were made with great purpose. And when we pursue those purposes, we can feel it. We can feel the joy. 

My wonderful friend Amy turned me on to this quote. Eric Liddell was a missionary and an olympian. He was an incredibly wise man. And I think he hits it out of the park with this one. God made him with this passion. He did not make Eric fast for his own pride or self-worth, but so that when Eric does what he was made for, he is able to experience God's joy. God uses the things that bring us joy as tools to feel His happiness. 

I love to dance. I've never been shy on the dance floor, but it really came alive when I started taking belly dance lessons. When I start to dance, all my issues go away. I hear the music and my body matches with the rhythm and nothing else matters. Today, my teacher told me that my face lights up when I dance. I don't doubt it. God gave me this skill, and I can feel His joy when I use it. 

So what brings you joy? What were you designed to love and pursue? I know each answer will be different, but I can guarantee you that you look absolutely beautiful when you experience that joy. There's just something about the sparkle in someone's eye when they do what they love. And I hope that you embrace it. It was created exactly for you to experience. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

This Is Not A Post About A Boy

I mean, it kind of is… But not really. It also has something to do with faithfulness. 

Wooo, this feels funny to talk about. But I still feel like this needs to be said. To the single girls, [holla] do not let "rejection" from a boy dictate your self-worth. A boy not pursuing you does not mean that you are at fault or you did anything bad. It took me 25 years to figure this out.

I guess you need a little background. On Saturday I was at a beer festival at the zoo. 

A peacock and her zoo keepers

I ran into a boy that I work with. I didn't even remember his name, but we got along just fine. He asked for my number and told me that he would call me the next day. He never called. I saw him today and he was cold. I was in a funky mood all day, until I realized that was the reason why! I felt rejected by a boy who I couldn't even remember his name!!! I didn't even like him. But I was feeling like I did something wrong. That I was an awful person and ruined it. I had to remind myself that there was a reason this boy didn't pursue me, and it had absolutely nothing to do with me.

What I need is faith bigger than my own pride. Pride tells me that my own actions will decide whether or not I can get anyone to like me/ date me/ marry me. Faith tells me that there is a bigger/ better/ more beautiful plan out there for me. God has it figured out and there is nothing I can stress over to make it happen. I can take the opportunities presented to me, but that's it! There is no need to feel pressure.

If God wanted this boy to enrich my life and work it all together for good, then he would have called me no problem! But if it is not something that is desired for me, then I don't want it. The ONLY reason I would want a phone call would be pride. Or maybe to get a little more self-assurance. Neither are good or beautiful things!

By giving it up to God, I am giving up the illusion of control. That first jump is scary, but I have seen so much good happen by God's hands and not mine, that my FAITHFULNESS grows. Soon, the stress I put on myself is lessened and I get more peace. More peace means more joy. Are you seeing a pattern here?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Try A Little Gentleness

I see it all around. Everywhere from movies to my own workplace… the most aggressive person gets what they want. Or, the most aggressive person gets the most respect. I've let myself fall into the same thought process as well. In meetings, I will usually listen to the louder person. And sometimes even the ruder person, because they seem to have the most to say.

There was a time that I used that strategy to my advantage. In meetings, I wouldn't smile. I would interrupt people and, frankly, just be rude. Guess what... I left those meetings with an icky feeling. I wasn't leaving room better than I entered it. I wasn't showcasing the love of God. All for what? Some cheaply earned pride?

The world has enough yellers, liars, and aggressors. What it needs now is gentleness. 

Today's pics will be baby animal themed… Because they're gentle and why not?
I am currently working on a project with a lot of tension. Meetings are harsh and stressed, and so are the people. But you know what calms people down? A sweet and gentle spirit. That doesn't mean they are going to take advantage of my quietness. Quite the opposite actually. People WANT to respond to a gentle person. They WANT to talk to them. There's safety there.

Alpaca kisses
So I changed my strategy. I'm not going to be louder, I'm going to be smarter. I will allow the Spirit to flow through me and release that calm gentleness. It just puts the entire room at ease. This did not come easy at some times. And I did need to pray a lil for God to give me that fruitfulness. But He is faithful, I just needed to take that first step. I had to try.

Do I think there is a time and place to be loud and take a strong stand? Absolutely I do. But those are in extreme circumstances. I think I will know when that time is. I'll feel it and know how to respond. For any other time though, I will error on the side of gentleness.

And a baby bulldog. You are welcome. 
Media lies to tell women that they have to be a "bad-ass b*tch" to get by in the workplace. That's prideful and it will only breed fear and anxiety. NO! I will choose to honor God in all aspects of my life, and that includes the workplace. I will be educated and I will voice my opinions. But I will choose the gentler side of it.

Intelligence + Gentleness = Quiet Confidence

And what could be more beautiful than that?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Whew, I am feeling much better today. I feel refreshed and renewed. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I made a decision….

I can not do this every day. 

When this blog started, I vowed to write every day on a topic of beauty. I was excited and I worked hard on my posts. As I went on, I wanted to put more heart into each topic I wrote on, but I constantly found myself without the time. These important topics are not getting the time, effort and reflection they deserve. Even more than that… I am not getting the feeding that I need. By spending so much time writing, I was losing my time with God, in prayer and in His Word. I found this blog becoming an idol in my life [funny how that happens] 

I feel a little failure in this, but anything I do can and will be used for God's glory. I will still be posting (hopefully still often), but I will listen and wait and reflect until it is what I need to talk about. I don't want to write just to write. I want to write to say something!

And in confessing this, I feel PEACE. [remember those fruits of the Spirit?] God does not want us suffering for the approval of people or for our own self-gratification. He wants us to work for His glory… no matter what that looks like. In my case, I have to admit that this is not what I originally thought it was. I thought I was going to write and change and move the world in a big way every day. 

I was wrong. Huuuuuuge surprise, right? No? Okay, I guess not...

So I am going to relinquish my idea of being right. I am going to listen to God when He tells me to slow down. To be still. I need to spend more time listening and less time talking. I will have the confidence in His plan for this. It is by prayer that I made this decision. It is by the peace in my heart right now that I know I am listening to the Spirit. I can't think of a more beautiful feeling. 

The ocean has always been my peaceful place. Just add in some scuffed up boots and I'm in Heaven!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kicking Off The Fruits!

Hey Guys! So, I JUST got back from Disneyland with a few of my amazing friends…

I am rightfully tired, so I'll just keep this short and sweet. I have been struggling with this blog the last couple days. As right-on as I felt about it a week ago… that's how off I feel right now. I have been getting wrapped up in jealousy, fear, and loneliness. But I know that all good things have their ups and downs. And in our moments of weakness are when God's glory can shine the most. I still believe in this mission, and I love it very much.

So for the next nine days, I want to focus on fruits of the spirit and how they relate to beauty. The Holy Spirit is one of the most beautiful things I can think of, and these are the good works shining through. I will strive to have them shine through me! Not by me or for me, but through me.

See Galatians 5:22-23

So heres to hoping and praying for some revival in my heart through this. 
Lord, have your way in this. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Listen, And Not To Speak.

I don't really know how to start this one out. Lately, I've been talking a lot about beautiful things that effect myself. Grace. Gratitude. Perspective of beauty. But this one is different. Just recently I realized how beautiful it is to be the person that can listen. Like, truly listen. Not to give an opinion or advice. But just to listen for the plain fact that some people need to talk. 

Sometimes a person really wants to share their triumphs and lessons. People work really hard in their lives. What they learn and accomplish can mean a lot to them, but it's worth so much more when it is shared and multiplied. So give people that opportunity to teach you. Nothing can beat the feeling of having a real person in front of you taking in your words. 

And even more than the good stuff, it takes a truly beautiful person to listen to the ugly stuff. The problems. 

Just last night, one of my best friends was going through an emotional issue. When we first started the conversation, I tried to pick out the pieces of her story that I could use to come up with the best piece of advice to give. As she went on, I realized that while she was looking for advice, that's not what she really needed. She needed someone to hear her speak. She just needed to voice her emotions out loud, and I was someone who she trusted enough to hear them. 

It takes a beautiful person to be one who can just listen. It takes selflessness. It takes patience. It takes a trustworthy heart to hear these things but never repeat them. I'll be the first to admit I'm not good at it. But I know what it means to me to have a friend who can listen to my same pitfall over and over again without complaint or judgement. How beautiful would it be if I could be that same friend?

These Are A Few Of My Most Thankful Things

I am thankful for the good times…

  • Traveling to new countries
  • Laughing and being stupid with my friends
  • Blasting music in my car
  • Foggy nights
  • Finishing a really good run

I'm thankful for the bad times… 
  • Relationships that didn't work out
  • Crappy situations that turned me into the girl I am today
  • Not getting into the college I wanted to

I'm thankful for a God who loves me, in spite of my constant failures. 

I'm thankful for grace that covers my failures. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

An Attitude of Gratitude

I started yesterday's post about how much I wanted to complain. Then I preached about how important it is to have a positive outlook. [sorry for the recap, but it was just sooooo long ago] But how do we get to that positive attitude? Well, as my mom would say (hi mom!)... 

"Have an attitude of gratitude" 

Some days, that's easier said than done. But like any good skill, it takes practice! True and conscious practice. Not just on the good days, but on the days you feel like crap too. Because, some days just suck. Friendships fail, jobs are lost, bills are due, faith feels hard to come by. There's a country song out there that says "Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful life". 

To start off this topic of gratitude, I got a little help from my friends. 

What you are grateful for?

Amy - "forgiveness, inside jokes that make your cheeks hurt, and summer weather."
Tabitha - "Sunshine, lemons, Trader Joes, Joe (her husband), Dory the car, worship music and amazing friendships"
Natalie - "coffee, flowers, hugs, and incredible friends. 
Chelsea - "people's patience, kinds, understanding, and encouragement"
Lindsey - "God's perseverance and how He pushes me to love and serve Him more every single day"
Alicia - "God's overwhelming grace, that is it costly and beautiful and refreshing and always available"

Thanks beautiful friends!
Whether it be for faith, food, or friendship…there is always always always always something to be grateful for. Even when the only thing you can think of is your future salvation and life in Heaven, there is always something to be thankful for. And there is something beautiful about a girl who can look on the brighter side. Who brings light into a conversation and life. If I am going to lift people up in their own lives, I better get in going in my own!

"In everything, give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" 1 Thes 5:18

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Lil Help From Lizzie

I wanted to come on here today and just complain. I wanted to complain about work, being sick, being busy… all of it.

But then I thought… you guys don't need to hear any negativity! And I don't need it either! Negativity only breeds more negativity. We see enough of it throughout the world. What we all need are some positive thoughts.

The video below is what popped in my mind. Her name is Lizzie, and she is a smart, witty, and beautiful girl. She sums up being a positive spirit better than anyone else I have heard of. Please watch the entire video. Lizzie's outlook has stayed with me for a long time, and I hope she has that effect on you too.

Follow her youtube page here!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tu Bonita: Part III (wrapping it up)

Like most women, or people in general, I have let the perception of my own appearance hinder my everyday interactions. That's what kind of jump started this journey in the first place. (Can you believe it's been two weeks?! whoa!)

On some days, I can wake up feeling smoking hot. Then suddenly, due to one thing or another, I can feel absolutely ogre-like! That thing may be a text that some boy doesn't reply to. Or maybe seeing a picture of myself at an unflattering angle. And suddenly, I can only see a hideous girl in the mirror. Do I really think that my face or body really changed that much in those couple seconds? No. But does it feel that way… abso-freakin-lutely.

That warped way of thinking just goes to show me… my perception of appearance is all in my head!

I was SCARED to take this weekend trip. In the past, when I am around people that don't know me very well, I get entirely too wrapped up in looking good. Putting on a show. Because somehow I think that they will like me more if I look good [false]. But going through these last two weeks has challenged this. Before I left, I vowed to not get wrapped up in my own false identity. I would not let myself believe that their acceptance of me was based on how pretty I looked.

And guess what, it was the first time I was able to travel and feel truly comfortable in my own skin. As soon as I decided that nobody cared what I looked like, I started believing it. And then it just became a mute point. I felt beautiful this weekend. Not because of my hair, make-up or outfits. (because believe me… I've see better) but because I allowed myself to be freed of the chains of vanity. I was free to love people better. I had better conversations. I laughed harder. I was HAPPIER.


Brianna and I showing off our sweet rubber band bracelets

A lil blurry, but you can obviously see how much that baby loved me back. 
Van ride bonding

So please, release yourself of comparison. And break the chains of perception of appearance. Instead of having your hearts, eyes and minds focused inward toward themselves; make the conscious decision to turn them outward. Enjoy the freedom of loving people better because of it!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tu Bonita: Part II

Beautiful is not in the brand of your clothes. It is not in the color of your lips. It is not in the gap between your thighs.

It is having a gentle spirit and touch
It is in a confident prayer
It is working really hard for someone else's sake

In a world of desolate poverty

I found some of the most incredible glimpses of beauty. 

"...the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight" 
1 Peter 3:4 NIV

I saw the most amazing hearts this weekend. Quiet doesn't always have to mean timid and meek. It is just not seeking extravagant attention. We did not work to show off how good we were at being on mission (cause we're not), instead we worked for God's glory. Working to give each person what they needed in the most humble and gentle way possible. Sometimes it was food or a roof over their head, and sometimes it was just a caring touch to let them know how loved they are. 

"Now, this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions of what we have asked of Him" 
1 John 5:14-15 NKJV

This one surprised me. I didn't realize how beautiful prayer really is, until this moment. A few of us were standing in one lady's new home. It was just built by the church. She asked us to pray for her son. A sweet boy with a tumor on his face, just on his right jawline. We prayed in some broken spanish, but mostly english. She probably understood very little of what we had to say. When we all opened our eyes, she was crying. She felt the spirit there, because the man prayed with confidence. There is something breathtaking about speaking to the creator of the earth, and KNOWING He hears your request. 

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters"
Colossians 3:23 NIV

A small team broke off at one point to renovate a house. The family will be bringing home their premie (Israel, born at 28 weeks. Keep him in your prayers) and they needed some help. A few guys spent the day making those necessary renovations. They worked hard. Not to get paid and not for their own glory. But because that's what Jesus would do. (and I don't even think they had a WWJD bracelet!) I don't know how a bunch of men feel about being called beautiful, but they totally nailed it!

The team wore dirty clothes and our hair was never brushed, but I can guarantee you that God saw some true beauty in us this weekend. And I have to admit, I felt it. I want to continue this mission at home. 

I want to promote this beauty by approaching people with a sweet heart. 
By praying with confidence, KNOWING that God of the universe hears me
By working really hard by God's strength and for goodness. 

You just can't go wrong with that kind of beautiful.