Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Just Be Still

So I was shopping in Trader Joes today during my lunch break [because I'm an adult] and as I was checking out, the checker asked me how my day was going. Pretty typical, right? Even more typical was my automatic response, "Oh my gosh, so crazy busy!" We laughed a bit about how I was running errands on my lunch break and then I left. It got me thinking, why am I so eager to tell people how busy I am?

Why do we glorify busy?

The world these days loooooves busy people. That's how we judge how interesting we are, right? How much we have to do? Or how much we can handle? This feeling of needing to be busy was only increased with the presence of social media. Don't get me wrong, I think Facebook and Instagram (follow me @palimes!) have their place. But when I see how much everyone seems to be doing, I feel the need to compete and be busy too! That turns into my identity! I am the busy girl. I am the girl who does this, this and that!

Sometimes our lives just turn busy, and that's okay. There is strength in that. I have my work and my hobbies and I enjoy it all. But still, I need to remind myself to just be still sometimes. That my worth is not nested in how full my calendar is. I need to wander around Farmer's Market just because. Or sit at the beach and spend time with God. Or take a walk with a friend. There's beauty in the quite times. Nobody likes a nervous-nelly, but there is something special about a girl who can just be as she is. There's a beautiful peace in that. 

After many years, I can imagine myself looking back on my life. I hope I remember all the exciting times and I hope I treasure the sweet times of quiet. 

I have developed the habit of being busy, so it will take some training to be quiet. So I'll practice. Maybe just 15 mins a day of being still. No music, no reading, just still. 

I'll try to schedule that in soon. This week doesn't look good, but maybe I'll have time next week? :)

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