Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tu Bonita: Part III (wrapping it up)

Like most women, or people in general, I have let the perception of my own appearance hinder my everyday interactions. That's what kind of jump started this journey in the first place. (Can you believe it's been two weeks?! whoa!)

On some days, I can wake up feeling smoking hot. Then suddenly, due to one thing or another, I can feel absolutely ogre-like! That thing may be a text that some boy doesn't reply to. Or maybe seeing a picture of myself at an unflattering angle. And suddenly, I can only see a hideous girl in the mirror. Do I really think that my face or body really changed that much in those couple seconds? No. But does it feel that way… abso-freakin-lutely.

That warped way of thinking just goes to show me… my perception of appearance is all in my head!

I was SCARED to take this weekend trip. In the past, when I am around people that don't know me very well, I get entirely too wrapped up in looking good. Putting on a show. Because somehow I think that they will like me more if I look good [false]. But going through these last two weeks has challenged this. Before I left, I vowed to not get wrapped up in my own false identity. I would not let myself believe that their acceptance of me was based on how pretty I looked.

And guess what, it was the first time I was able to travel and feel truly comfortable in my own skin. As soon as I decided that nobody cared what I looked like, I started believing it. And then it just became a mute point. I felt beautiful this weekend. Not because of my hair, make-up or outfits. (because believe me… I've see better) but because I allowed myself to be freed of the chains of vanity. I was free to love people better. I had better conversations. I laughed harder. I was HAPPIER.


Brianna and I showing off our sweet rubber band bracelets

A lil blurry, but you can obviously see how much that baby loved me back. 
Van ride bonding

So please, release yourself of comparison. And break the chains of perception of appearance. Instead of having your hearts, eyes and minds focused inward toward themselves; make the conscious decision to turn them outward. Enjoy the freedom of loving people better because of it!

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